Sunday, June 17, 2012

The institutionalization of YouTube

YouTube has come to represent what video on the web looks like: short, mostly humorous and easily accessible. The short video clip pattern can also be found in mainstream media websites. Major media companies have responded to YouTube either by launching their own YouTube-like site or by introducing new video services on their own sites. Responding to professional video services in mainstream media, YouTube also offers full-length episodes of television shows.
Kim, J. (2012). The institutionalization of YouTube: From user-generated content   to professionally generated content. Media, Culture & Society, 34(1), 53-67. doi:10.1177/0163443711427199


  1. This is such a great topic to work on! Why? Because I see the positive results of this Social Media platform. Many have use this Soical Media to become big success's and still are for how else can you reach so many people at such a very low cost...
